This article in The Guardian makes for grim reading. It doesn't say anything people don't know already, but it lays it out in pretty stark terms.
"It's a whole new ball game!" went the publicity for the new-fangled Premier League in 1992. They weren't kidding.
11 February, 2025 at 12:26 am
15/02/2025 at 18:02:16
I hate the whole concept of seeding. Some of the best days in football occurred when Shite went out of the European Cup in the 1st round!
18/02/2025 at 09:08:14
I haven't cared about or watched a European fixture in a very long time.
I'm not even sure I'd get too excited about an Everton euro game nowadays.
I mean it's purely a money maker isn't it? Don't get me wrong, that money would be good for the club, but how exciting would it be to make the numbers up in order to draw from the money pot?
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15/02/2025 at 07:36:16
Always remember the golden rule - 'Those who have the gold make the rules'...and these turkeys are not going to vote for Christmas.
Makes you wonder why you'd bother - then you remember Wednesday night