Everton vs Bournemouth

posted by Lyndon Lloyd

David Moyes' FA Cup press conference ahead of the FA Cup Fourth Round tie against Bournemouth.

Nathan Patterson won't be included in the squad for this one after suffering what has been described as a minor injury in training.

7 February, 2025 at 05:50 pm


Paul ferry 1 
07/02/2025 at 23:29:04

Hello Lyndon. A number of us are a little worried about unfamiliar goings on back at Toffeeweb Towers. Hope all is good with you.

Oh, match preview: 2-1 to us!

Danny ONeill 2 
08/02/2025 at 00:35:29

Ditto what Paul Ferry says Lyndon.

We appreciate the site. Maybe a bit of clarity would help.

George Mc Kane 3 
08/02/2025 at 00:50:15

So here we are in The Now - Bluetiful Cosmic Grooves All The Way - Think Bridge Man and Catch The Blue Rays

Dale Self 4 
08/02/2025 at 01:33:36

Well, this is an impressive crowd. I feel like Shecky Green following Sinatra at the Sands.

Lyndon, it is a pleasant surprise to see you run your own space. I hope the creative space outweighs the added work for you. I am committed to behaving myself here, just getting that out there.

UTFT! Up the Moyes!

There, I said and I meant it but not a great line.

Paul ferry 5 
08/02/2025 at 03:25:10

Lovely to bump into you again Dale!

Liam Mogan 6 
08/02/2025 at 08:00:50

This must be the place

Alan McGuffog 7 
08/02/2025 at 08:22:44

Ee bah gum. It's like 1892 all over again

Mike Gaynes 8 
08/02/2025 at 08:42:34

Excuse me... (tiptoeing in the side door)... is this The New Place?

Mazel tov, Lyndon. Nice decor. Bit more highbrow than the last place.

Now to find a comfy chair...

Hugh Jenkins 9 
08/02/2025 at 08:47:56

Hi Lyndon - and everyone else.

Exciting times with our "new" manager and this spanking ne website / forum.

Nick Oakley 10 
08/02/2025 at 09:12:57

Wow, this is like the Bramley Moor Dock of Everton online news!

Dan Connolly 11 
08/02/2025 at 09:33:07

Long time toffeeweb reader but never contributed or commented.

However I had to follow Lyndon’s writing and general good sense to Evertonia.

Best of luck Lyndon

Martin Mason 12 
08/02/2025 at 09:33:50

Good luck with the new site Lyndon. Good luck today all Evertonians. I'll try to get a stream here in Malaysia, I believe that we can do well today.

Paul Ferry 13 
08/02/2025 at 09:36:52

I sort of feel like I just sold my home. All the best for Evertonia Lyndon!

Mark Murphy 14 
08/02/2025 at 09:37:44

Liam, I guess I must be having fun….
Hi everyone - I’m just getting set to begin possibly my last FA cup day at Goodison Park - hoping for a grand day out!

Paul Ferry 15 
08/02/2025 at 09:38:26

Self-edit feature Lyndon? Home page is classy.

Paul Hewitt 16 
08/02/2025 at 09:39:47

So is everyone coming over to here now?

Paul Ferry 17 
08/02/2025 at 09:41:23

Naive Melody Liam - 6 - I got it mate.

Paul Ferry 18 
08/02/2025 at 09:42:40

Hewey, Lyndon, or this Roy fella, duh .

Paul Hewitt 19 
08/02/2025 at 09:45:42

Don't be rube PF. Doesn't suit you 😁

Mark Murphy 20 
08/02/2025 at 10:00:28

Only positive vibes though Paul H!
Talking of vibes, George McKane, any relation to Buick??

Christine Foster 21 
08/02/2025 at 10:05:12

Congratulations Lyndon, a classy site, good to see familiar faces too, let's make it a brilliant day all round with a great win!

Paul Hewitt 22 
08/02/2025 at 10:11:14

3-0 win. No problem

Edward Rogers 23 
08/02/2025 at 10:13:29

Was hoping to be the young, cool dude who arrives late to the party with a gorgeous brunette on each arm.
Unfortunately, I'm no longer young, never really been cool and appear to have misplaced the aforementioned brunettes...
So I'll just say hello, wish Lyndon the best of luck, then retire to the kitchen with the other saddo's

Danny ONeill 24 
08/02/2025 at 10:13:55

Best wishes Lyndon.

Here we go blues. FA Cup day

John Hall 25 
08/02/2025 at 10:34:00

I'm another TW rebel moving to this site. Tough decision to leave but what it boils down to is real articles and discussions instead of ChatGPT and Bot written ones! No choice really, I'm sure you all feel the same. A new look home for a new look Everton (from the Summer anyway). Hi everyone and Lyndon UTFT!

Richard Williams 26 
08/02/2025 at 10:35:51

Once there was Twitter which became X and then there was Blue Sky
Once there was Toffee Web and then there was Evertonia. Looking forward to reading Lyndon's writings here (and others)
Change is constant but wherever we lay our hats the main thing is we deal with this pesky south coast club "bogey" today and proceed to the Round 5

Ja Bet 27 
08/02/2025 at 10:37:14

Hello blues,
Positive vibes.
I love fa cup.

Mark Routledge 28 
08/02/2025 at 10:45:06

Hi All
Looking for somewhere to discuss all things Everton on a regular basis 👍

Kevin Jones 29 
08/02/2025 at 10:46:47

Good luck with the new website.
I'm curious to watch what happens ( and what happened) on toffeeweb and still wondering about MK.

John Hall 30 
08/02/2025 at 10:48:04

I think the LF is open on this site. Need to check it out

Andy Merrick 31 
08/02/2025 at 10:53:15

I think this will buddy up well with Toffee web...
And I see George has posted his vibes already...
What's not to like:)

Joe Aylward 32 
08/02/2025 at 11:04:27

Hi Lyndon - good luck with Evertonia mate - and just like all good hairdressers - your clientele seems to have followed you 😊

Chris Jones 33 
08/02/2025 at 11:14:15

Here's to bright new futures. Thanks for all you do Lyndon [and do so damn well].

Ernie Baywood 34 
08/02/2025 at 11:37:46

Come on you blues!

Peter Hodgson 35 
08/02/2025 at 12:00:47

Moving? from TW with you all but hoping that DM doesn't get so much stick from MK or Members on here - at least not until there is something he deserves it for. Bygones are bygones, let us deal with the present as we have turned over a new page. Hopefully.

I wish you all the luck on the world Lyndon and that all the hard work that must have gone on and is going on is rewarded.

Simon Harrison 36 
08/02/2025 at 12:20:47

Thanks for setting tis site up Lyndon.

Though as others have said, it's like moving house. Fortunately, it is akin to moving from a two-up, two down, to a lovely three bed detached with garage, in the countryside.

I Love the layout of the new site, and it is great to George McKane being with us, and all the other trouble makers!

👍💙🫡 Hello everybody! Just when you thought it was safe to enter the forum! ** Cue Jaws music **

Simon Harrison 37 
08/02/2025 at 12:29:08


Just when I thought I'd escaped, you drag me back in! Hehe

"Hellow" mon ami

Alan McGuffog 38 
08/02/2025 at 12:53:04

Happy Bathams, Simon.

Paul Johnson 39 
08/02/2025 at 12:54:13

Congrats on the new site Lyndon. I echo what Dan said #11 in appreciating your writing. 2-0 to us today and hopefully a scintillating cameo from Alcaraz UTFT

Dale Self 40 
08/02/2025 at 12:58:02

Well played Mark! He is no Slider.

And fantastic to see you Paul, where I may respond when my chain gets yanked.

Alan McGuffog 41 
08/02/2025 at 13:01:26

If you're not allowed to raise your arms against an opponent then why was that Citteh defender not carded ?

Kevin Elliott 42 
08/02/2025 at 13:05:38

Best of luck in your new venture Lyndon.

08/02/2025 at 13:29:23

Crikey! I had to sign up via 3 different email a/cs before I could get activated - is this a ploy to boost membership numbers?

What happened to TW? TFG taken over & had a clean sweep?
Is it going the same way as bluekipper?

Wotcher folks, btw!

Onwards to victory!

Ray Roche 44 
08/02/2025 at 13:48:31

Afternoon all. Who’s going to start the fish puns?

Ian Jones 45 
08/02/2025 at 13:51:17

Ray, is it the right plaice for those :)

Mick Hoban 46 
08/02/2025 at 13:52:13

Hope there's plenty of parking around this new site.

Good luck Lyndon

Looks like we're all making the transition.

08/02/2025 at 13:57:50

Free parking to the west of the new stadium, Mick!

Anthony Flack 48 
08/02/2025 at 13:59:22


Odd not to be on TW

Nigel Munford 49 
08/02/2025 at 14:03:25

Good afternoon fellow Blues, 2-0, well done Lyndon, start of a new era.

Kim Vivian 50 
08/02/2025 at 14:04:48

Good afternoon Lyndon. Nice to be with you and all fellows Toffees. For what it's worth, I'm not particularly impressed with new Toffeeweb content so far and look forward to continue engaging here.

Meantime...COYB - EFC 2 - 0 B'mouth, will suit me.

Alan McGuffog 51 
08/02/2025 at 14:04:53

So. This is the site for people to have a bloody good moan, yes ?
Might I be first then to say :
Tarks wtf
Game over
Just getting warmed up

Michael O'Brien 52 
08/02/2025 at 14:04:56

Good morning everybody, well it is here in Florida. Going to be another hot day.
Hope somebody has a good link for a streaming site and we have a good game and a better win.

Michael O'Brien 53 
08/02/2025 at 14:11:32

Young replaces Myk

Mike Hayes 54 
08/02/2025 at 14:21:58

Strong side that fingers crossed for a good 2-0 win Beto brace

Jim Hillier 55 
08/02/2025 at 14:24:42

Not sure what has happened with Toffeeweb, or why. Nobody on the 'old' Toffeeweb Forum (unless I am doing something wrong). Is this the new place to be on Match Day?

Andy Merrick 56 
08/02/2025 at 14:25:31

Myko not on bench, 2 keepers again
New lad will be gagging for a bit of this..hope he gets minutes..
Cmon Charly, make yourself known

Terry Rice 57 
08/02/2025 at 14:27:13

Feels like when I switched from Twatter to Bluesky!
Hello everyone!

Gerry Quinn 58 
08/02/2025 at 14:34:27

Hello strangers!

Thomas Clarke 59 
08/02/2025 at 14:34:48

tough one this today. Bournemouth are a decent outfit.

Mike Gaynes 60 
08/02/2025 at 14:36:52

Glad you crossed over, Gerry. Breakfast almost ready?

Gerry Quinn 61 
08/02/2025 at 14:37:42

Brunch good and done, Mike

08/02/2025 at 14:38:22

It feels a bit like when your favourite local pub is taken over by new owners, only to find that the previous owners have opened an even better one closer to home.

Where's our free pints?

Gerry Quinn 63 
08/02/2025 at 14:39:01

Can't get used to this yet - looks totally different and have to refresh each time

Gerry Quinn 64 
08/02/2025 at 14:40:24

Did everyone see that pub in Nottingham that offered a free beer for every goal scored by Forest - they won 7-0 and almost put the pub out of business!

John Reynolds 65 
08/02/2025 at 14:40:46

Good to be here, all the best Lyndon. Hopefully Evertonia will be to Toffeeweb what Bluesky is to Twitter - a nicer, happier, more positive place. If Moysie carries on as he’s started it should be….

James Hedge 66 
08/02/2025 at 14:43:20

Been a Toffeeweb reader since the late 90s, but never post much. Liking the look of this. New look Evertonia/New look Everton. COYB!

Mike Gaynes 67 
08/02/2025 at 14:46:16

Yep, Gerry, this is a refreshing change! (Clicking again.)

Gerry Quinn 68 
08/02/2025 at 14:49:01

Can I be the first to mention DCL? Oh, converstaion over!

Gerry Quinn 69 
08/02/2025 at 14:50:16

There is no EIDT ETID DITE EDIT fatilicy, facility, Lyndon

Frank Sheppard 70 
08/02/2025 at 14:52:16

I hope I am saying “ thank you David Moyes” again at 5-ish. COYB (please).

Matt Traynor 71 
08/02/2025 at 14:52:48

Blimey, you wait years for a takeover, and they all come along at once.

Gerry Quinn 72 
08/02/2025 at 14:55:57

We are totally safe, Matt, it is not a BK takeover

Paul Ferry 73 
08/02/2025 at 14:56:50

Khalid Ahsein Editorial Team and Roy 'the Goodison Park'. I far for Toffeeweb.

Mike Gaynes 74 
08/02/2025 at 14:58:07

Matt, it took me months to adjust to 2% milk. All this change is way more than I can handle.

Gerry Quinn 75 
08/02/2025 at 14:58:16

How much have you had to drink, PF??????

Alex Bonnar 76 
08/02/2025 at 15:01:43

First, great site Lyndon, thanks.
I’m messaging from Bangkok at present, back to Cyprus March and UK July hoping to see my stone at Everton Way. So, I need your site to follow everything blue.
I don’t think we will win the FA cup this year, probably one of the ‘big’ clubs but watch out guys we are on our way now.

Michael O'Brien 77 
08/02/2025 at 15:02:43

If anybody needs beesport is working

A Andersen 78 
08/02/2025 at 15:03:02

Good afternoon, and thanks Lyndon! Unfortunately not too optimistic about this one, Bournemouth has done really well, a well-run club with a good manager and are very much the form team (only the ref knows why they lost to Liverpool), and I guess we'll never meet a defense as generous as Leicester's again this season. That said, we played them off the park for 70 minutes until Dyche took off Ndiaye and DCL. So if the guys get into the groove from that match, this should be a good one. Go for it!

Mike Gaynes 79 
08/02/2025 at 15:04:18

We're still in this.

Sean Kelly 80 
08/02/2025 at 15:07:47

Is this the moany aul git forum and before anyone says it Yes I will fit in well. Hello everyone.

Gerry Quinn 81 
08/02/2025 at 15:08:08

Not updating - obvious issues!

Gerry Quinn 82 
08/02/2025 at 15:08:52

If I could offer to help I would, but am technically challenged

Gerry Quinn 83 
08/02/2025 at 15:10:34

Anyone out there?

Mike Gaynes 84 
08/02/2025 at 15:15:01

Reidy has the best collection of hats since Bogart.

Anthony Flack 85 
08/02/2025 at 15:19:39

Forum seems very quiet

Mike Gaynes 86 
08/02/2025 at 15:19:46

What a ball by Branthwaite to launch that move.

Gerry Quinn 87 
08/02/2025 at 15:22:51

Penalty to them!

Mike Gaynes 88 
08/02/2025 at 15:22:58

Pen on Tarks.

Mike Gaynes 89 
08/02/2025 at 15:24:24

0-1. Lyndon, obviously this site is not effective.

Gerry Quinn 90 
08/02/2025 at 15:26:46

It seems to be just you and I on this Mike!

Fred Beel 91 
08/02/2025 at 15:29:32

With no VAR, Everton get done by none penalty and no offside. Charly warming up to redress the balance.

Mike Gaynes 92 
08/02/2025 at 15:31:23

You did make me breakfast, Gerry. I'm as loyal as a puppy.

Gerry Quinn 93 
08/02/2025 at 15:33:17

Who is Charly?

Fred Beel 94 
08/02/2025 at 15:33:59

Carlos Alcaraz

Peter Moore 95 
08/02/2025 at 15:34:25

Greetings Lyndon and a reiteration of my thanks and appreciation for Toffeeweb.
I remember Evertonia.com I used to log into it through Netscape when I was a student at Dundee Uni in their I T suite in the 1990s.
Back to the future!
Back to match, the lads are fighting back not lying down. Viva Moyesey! UTFT.

Tom Edwards 96 
08/02/2025 at 15:37:25

Hello all. I too have deserted the good ship SS Toffeeweb and joined the happy band here. Thanks to Lyndon and co. for all they did at TW Towers. I have been a member for many years and a sometime commenter and am thoroughly grateful for all they did.

Gerry Quinn 97 
08/02/2025 at 15:37:31

How are we doing?

Gerry Quinn 98 
08/02/2025 at 15:39:17

This is driving me insane - don't seem to be too many here and having to refresh all the time - sure that Lyndon will eventually sort this out though

Paul Ferry 99 
08/02/2025 at 15:39:34

Bournemouth coasting at the moment. They are winning nearly every second ball. Productive possession. No one smiles better than Tarkowski after fucking up.

Ian Edwards 100 
08/02/2025 at 15:40:17

Hello all... the party seems to have moved next door?

Brendan Fox 101 
08/02/2025 at 15:42:24

Refs a proper knobhead

Joe Aylward 102 
08/02/2025 at 15:42:24

Peter Moore - I did exactly the same thing only at Adelaide Uni!
Grounds a bit frustrated…

Mike Gaynes 103 
08/02/2025 at 15:44:47

Total screwup at the back again.

A Andersen 104 
08/02/2025 at 15:44:49

Tarks has found our self destruct-button, wtf was that

Brendan Fox 105 
08/02/2025 at 15:45:09

Pickford and Tarks gifted a 2nd

Mike Gaynes 106 
08/02/2025 at 15:46:08

Totally on Tarks. Again. He's having a disaster.

Paul Ferry 107 
08/02/2025 at 15:46:43

Knobhead Tarkowski. Smiles. We/Moyes getting schooled here.

Neil Cremin 108 
08/02/2025 at 15:48:06

May I come also although news from Goodison not good.

Gerry Quinn 109 
08/02/2025 at 15:49:08

Moyes is playing it canny - we give them a 2 goal lead and then after the 87th minute we score 3

Ray Roche 110 
08/02/2025 at 15:49:24

Tarkowski shocking. Very poor first half. Pity there’s no VAR….

Mike Gaynes 111 
08/02/2025 at 15:49:32

Pull up a stool, Neil. Seems like we'll all be drinking early today.

Brendan Fox 112 
08/02/2025 at 15:55:09

Too many sloppy individual errors especially from Tarks who thinks he's Paolo Maldini after his assist for Beto against Leicester. Hopefully someone gives him a slap and tell him to stop being a c**t

Gerry Quinn 113 
08/02/2025 at 15:55:37

10 shots to our paltry 2 - did we bring Dyche on for Moyes?

Neil Cremin 114 
08/02/2025 at 15:57:05

Thanks Mike but looks well be drowning our sorrows rather than looking forward to an FA Cup run. Unless of course we do a Bournemouth on it.

Kieran Kinsella 115 
08/02/2025 at 15:59:15

Thanks for granting access Lyndon.

Be honest folks, is anyone surprised? How often in the past did Moyes have a good league run then meekly surrender in the cup? That said, Bournemouth despite size and past reputation are a force to be reckoned with now. But come on Moyesy surprise us and turn it around at halftime

Mike Gaynes 116 
08/02/2025 at 16:02:17

Disastrous performance. Huge mistakes from not only Tarkowski but Lindstrom, Gana, O'Brien, Branthwaite and Beto -- some we got away with, some we didn't. And Moyes is gonna need a plan B in attack, because Bournemouth has thoroughly scouted those through balls to Beto and they've got him covered fore and aft.

Brendan Fox 117 
08/02/2025 at 16:05:03

Got to be some attacking changes made to roll the dice if we've got any chance of getting back into this.

Sub Tarks for Dixon put him to RB and push O'Brien into the centre back role, get Charly on for Doucs

Neil Cremin 118 
08/02/2025 at 16:05:34

Mike re your suggestions on our ideal replacement for Dyche on TW, would they have taken on a relegation battle with an Everton Team with no confidence.
I wouldnt mind the Iraola in todays opposition dug out.

Jim Hillier 119 
08/02/2025 at 16:06:24

Not coping at all with their press. They were so must more robust than us in the first half. Don't see an obvious game changer on the bench, certainly not Harrison. Maybe Charly boy?

Larry O'Hara 120 
08/02/2025 at 16:12:45

Hadnt realised the live forum is here too: well done!

Paul Ferry 121 
08/02/2025 at 16:14:27

Message from Anjishnu and Khalid
"Today marks a momentous and proud occasion for us as we become custodians of this iconic football site. We are committed to leading ToffeeWeb into an exciting new era both on and off the pitch. Providing immediate stability to the site has been a key priority, and we are delighted to have achieved this. While restoring ToffeeWeb to its rightful place will take time, today is the first step in that journey.”

Mike Gaynes 122 
08/02/2025 at 16:14:36

Neil, I thought Sarri would have been perfect, still do. That craggy old bird is a tremendous motivator and loves a challenge. I don't know if he'd have taken the job, but I was very much hoping he'd be asked.

Gerry Quinn 123 
08/02/2025 at 16:16:43

It has been over 30 minutes since Everton last attempted a shot in this game.

Mike Gaynes 124 
08/02/2025 at 16:17:55

Gerry it's been longer than that since we put in a decent ball.

Kieran Kinsella 125 
08/02/2025 at 16:18:40

"While restoring ToffeeWeb to its rightful place will take time"

I think it was in great shape until they took over.

Gerry Quinn 126 
08/02/2025 at 16:19:36

Usual Everton gifts.

Daniel Jebbison's record v Everton. He has scored two in two against the Toffees, both at Goodison, after netting here for Sheffield United in 2021 in the league.

He's only netted 14 goals in his career.

Paul Ferry 127 
08/02/2025 at 16:21:01

Kieran, mate, it's a modified TFG statement.

How much time does Moyes need to make subs?

Mike Gaynes 128 
08/02/2025 at 16:21:02

Well, it's their first week, Kieran. Not an easy thing to come in and take over a legend. Maybe the stodgy writing will improve with time.

Paul Ferry 129 
08/02/2025 at 16:21:33


Gerry Quinn 130 
08/02/2025 at 16:21:51

Wasn't that Numpty Trumpty getting rid of ToffeeWeb was it?

Paul Ferry 131 
08/02/2025 at 16:24:19

They make a change before us, And look who it is.

Paul Ferry 132 
08/02/2025 at 16:25:13


Paul Ferry 133 
08/02/2025 at 16:27:38

We are getting battered.

Mike Gaynes 134 
08/02/2025 at 16:31:05

Let's see if this kid can crack a free kick.

Mike Gaynes 135 
08/02/2025 at 16:31:57

Oh can he ever!!! Inches from instant legend.

Brendan Fox 136 
08/02/2025 at 16:33:51

Charly almost an instant Goodison hero with a great free kick

Mick Davies 137 
08/02/2025 at 16:35:10

Good to be back. We're having bad luck here, should be level

Mike Gaynes 138 
08/02/2025 at 16:35:22

How did we not score there?

Neil Cremin 139 
08/02/2025 at 16:35:32

Maybe in the Summer Mike

Mike Gaynes 140 
08/02/2025 at 16:36:14

THREE off the post in the past five minutes.

Rob Jones 141 
08/02/2025 at 16:36:18

Hell of a second-half performance after that Tarkowski special in the first. Alcaraz already looking like the replacement we need for Doucoure.

Brendan Fox 142 
08/02/2025 at 16:36:53

The Bournemouth goal living a charmed life

A Andersen 143 
08/02/2025 at 16:37:06

Close, and the the post! Finally some energy! Unfortunate

Mike Gaynes 144 
08/02/2025 at 16:40:52

Harrison has put in four great crosses and drawn a foul since he came on. Another guy with a new jolt of confidence from Moyes.

Brendan Fox 145 
08/02/2025 at 16:41:27

Lovely drft touch from Charly for Tim

Mike Gaynes 146 
08/02/2025 at 16:44:56

Our best striker is on.

Brendan Fox 147 
08/02/2025 at 16:46:18

Great skills from Tim

Brendan Fox 148 
08/02/2025 at 16:48:22

Knobhead ref

Brendan Fox 149 
08/02/2025 at 16:49:09

Kernel falls over and the twat buys it and books Ndiaye to boot, what a twat in the black

Gerry Quinn 150 
08/02/2025 at 16:51:14

How long to go?

Brendan Fox 151 
08/02/2025 at 16:51:21

Such a shame the last ever FA Cup match at the Grand Old Lady is a loss

Alan McGuffog 152 
08/02/2025 at 16:53:21

Ahh well

Jim Hillier 153 
08/02/2025 at 16:57:33

At least we had a bit of fight in the second half. Woeful in the first 45

Gerry Quinn 154 
08/02/2025 at 16:57:42


Jamie Crowley 155 
08/02/2025 at 16:57:42

Tough loss but very encouraged by that second half.

There's palpable improvement. We looked very good in the second half and on another day those post shots are goals.

Despite the loss, I'd argue things are still looking up.


A Andersen 156 
08/02/2025 at 16:58:14

Big improvement in the 2nd half, but the first half was a disaster and the damage was done. A bit unlucky not to score, but our attacking limitations are still quite obvious to see. Thought Harrison was good after coming on.

Dave Williams 157 
08/02/2025 at 17:13:13

Just checking I can get into this site? Presumably the daily exchanges will be here?

David West 158 
08/02/2025 at 17:13:21

Hope Lyndon got a few quid for Toffeeweb !!!
Hello again !!

Dave Williams 159 
08/02/2025 at 17:15:57

Didn’t see the game but listened to the second half. What went so wrong in the first half?
Any views on Alcaraz and Tim?

Michael Lynch 160 
08/02/2025 at 17:18:20

Loved that second half, apart from the not scoring bit.

Alcaraz looked very lively - him, Ndiaye, Tim and Harrison made us look like a proper front foot team. That free kick

Brendan Fox 161 
08/02/2025 at 17:24:25

Much better 2nd half but the calamitous 1st half sealed our fate.

Charly looked like he'll be an exciting player and came close to a glorious debut goal, Tim had a few close efforts and Harrison whipped some good balls in.

Simon Harrison 162 
08/02/2025 at 17:25:00

Generally a poor team performance.

Pickford was OK
O'Brien - worse game yet
Tarks - A day to forget
Jarrad - Not at his best?
Young - tried, but... No end product
Garner - went from above average to poor back to above average
Gueye - grew into the game
Lindstrøm - very poor and ineffective today
Doucoure - The sooner that Charly is given a run the better
Ndiaye - Mercurial but cut a frustrated figure
Beto - Why did we go back to lumping the ball up to him?

Charly - Unlucky with the free kick, seemed over anxious today
Harrison - best game in a long time
Iroegbunam - Two good chances, seemed to be rushing, fitness maybe?
Keane - Too little too late

All in all it was just a very much below par performance. Maybe the Cherries do have a hoodoo over us? Personally, I think the players just went into their shells too much today. Instructions maybe? Bournemouth shown too much respect?

What a shame for the Old Lady to host her last FA Cup game, with that display from our lot.

Quietly fuming here, I'm off for a cuppa!

Phil Grayston 163 
08/02/2025 at 17:26:44

Horrible to think that is it in the FA Cup at Goodison but the big positive is that we were good to watch flowing forward in the second half. Tarkowski was ruffled by Semenyo's power and technique first half and his mistakes gave us a mountain to climb. We didn't manage it but gave it a really good go, and have to take that into the Derby.

Peter Hodgson 164 
08/02/2025 at 17:28:49

Well, all things considered we shouldn't be too unhappy with the result. We have got a thin squad and an extended cup run is not really our most important concern, whilst it would have been nice, our main objective is Prem League safety this season, so I am not too unhappy this went their way.

It wasn't a good performance all round, particularly from Tarks, Gana, Lindstrom and Duke (was he playing?). I look forward to further progress in the League though.

Peter Moore 165 
08/02/2025 at 17:47:14

Seemed like the manager, crowd and team all had one eye on Wednesday.
Here's hoping the meek surrender first half is not to be repeated, quite the opposite please lads.
Let's put out illegitimate bastard offspring in their place and send them back to our ground with the tails between their hind quarters those vile devil dogs. UTFT. NSNO.

Andy Crooks 166 
08/02/2025 at 17:48:54

Lyndon,any chance we could have a jump to last post option as o Toffeeweb?

Brent Stephens 167 
08/02/2025 at 17:55:26

Where am I ?!
So this is my new home.

Disappointing today. But the new lad looks bright.

Ian Jones 168 
08/02/2025 at 18:12:37

A few have mentioned that today's game is the last F.A. Cup match at Goodison. Well, if the season pans out the way it might, this week's Derby match against Liverpool could be the last evening match...at least of the 7.30 pm version. The only other ones that might get rescheduled are those that haven't been changed for TV purposes but are likely to be Sat midday, Sat 5.30 pm or Sunday games

Times are changing

Roger Helm 169 
08/02/2025 at 18:19:40

Where is the match report on this site? Already posted on TW.

Paul Johnson 170 
08/02/2025 at 18:40:46

I’ve no doubt that’ll be an AI generated report Roger. Great if that’s your thing but I’d rather wait for a real person to post one tbh.

Edward Rogers 171 
08/02/2025 at 18:51:33

Didn't Jebbison score against us for Sheffield Utd? Go in at H/T just the 1 down, different game.

Lyndon Lloyd 172 
08/02/2025 at 18:55:48

Roger, there won't be an instantaneous match report here like there is at ToffeeWeb (and theirs will be written by a human, not AI) but I will be posting a full report like I used to later today.

For regular news and more instant match reportage, TW is still the place to go.

Peter Moore 173 
08/02/2025 at 18:55:54

Any news on Mykolenko? Not even on the bench today. Really hoping he does not have a long term injury. Left back berth a weak spot in this thin squad.

Pete Fairhurst 174 
08/02/2025 at 19:09:39

Hi Lyndon

I'm a long term TW lurker, but never a member. Just to say that I'm pleased that you are here. I realised that something was afoot at TW and missed you there. The reason I always visited TW was to read your erudite, fair and balanced reporting. I don't know anyone else who writes as well as you on matters Everton

So good luck, I hope that your new venture picks up readers quickly. I'm sure that it will too as more and more realise where you've moved to

Best wishes

ps I'm nearly 65 years a Blue. My first game at Goodison was as a nine year old, versus Leeds in April 1960. I've had some truly amazing days at Goodison, and Wembley too, over the years. I've seen 4 league titles won, three when I had a season ticket, and 3 FA cup wins too. The most memorable atmosphere of them all was the Bayern Munich game in 1985, although there have been plenty similar over the years. There is nowhere like Goodison

Paul Ferry 175 
08/02/2025 at 19:20:24

I know that Lyndon has a lot on his plate, but I do hope in due course that the 'no need to refresh' function is restored to the forum and also that jump to the end button!

Best of luck Lyndon!

Kieran Dowell is having a good game against the skunks.

Lynn Maher 176 
08/02/2025 at 19:50:43

Back from the match and onto new site!
Definitely a game of two halves.
First half best forgotten, but definitely vast improvement once Alcaraz came on. He looks very promising. Gave us some impetuous.
Not result we wanted but I can see a glimmer of hope for the future. I no longer dread going to the match!

Paul Ferry 177 
08/02/2025 at 19:59:37

Roger Helm 169: Where is the match report on this site? Already posted on TW.

Jesus Roger these are the first days of a one-man-blue operation. Why don't you write one? Do you think that Lyndon spends his entire day on Evertonia and pays someone to take care of all the needs of the family?

LL has always put up a report a little while after the final whistle. Michael always took care of the instant reaction.

Go for a walk and read it later or pop off to Toffeeweb and read the report again as I see that although you chide LL for the lack of a report you did not post on the other match thread.

Paul Ferry 178 
08/02/2025 at 20:01:37

Lynn M, I thought that all three subs made a big difference. Harrison was the best of the three.

Paul Ferry 179 
08/02/2025 at 20:07:39

Wow! Verbruggen! That will be on the top keeper howlers for a long time to come. He threw it into the net.

Lynn Maher 180 
08/02/2025 at 20:46:29

They did Paul. I mentioned Alcaraz as he is the new boy, so to speak.

Paul Ferry 181 
08/02/2025 at 20:52:36

That's fair Lynn and you're right. I wasn't trying to have a dig, I was just so pleasantly surprised by Harrison that I'm banging his drum tonight!

Liam Mogan 182 
08/02/2025 at 21:03:28

Lovely new forum, same old blues. Give goals away cheaply, lose game.

Frustrating, as it was obvious we needed to get to ht at 0-1 but needlessly conceded.

At 0-1, it could have well been a more intense and successful 2nd half. Hopefully Wednesday brings better.

Sean Kelly 183 
08/02/2025 at 21:33:34

Best of luck Lyndon with this new venture. I hope contributors give you the space to develop this site and the encouragement to build this site. Best of luck lad.

Paul Birmingham 184 
08/02/2025 at 21:35:49

Frustrating way to pose today and the end of the FAC at Goodison Park.

Good and some very bad play today, and Everton contrived to serve up 2 free goals.

But good spirit in the 2nd half which will be needed next week v Old Nicks team.for 98 minutes.


Stu Gore 185 
09/02/2025 at 00:35:33

Hearty Rahs to Mr Lloyd for this ‘ere new thing. Shame about the result today. Hopefully we have saved ourselves for the midweek game. Thought the new fella looked promising.

Danny ONeill 186 
09/02/2025 at 00:41:38

I'm flicking between both sites at the moment.

After a long day, I'm going to reflect before. Writing anything up, which I will submit for consideration on both sites tomorrow (Sunday).

I think we all mostly witnessed the same match today (or yesterday as it is now).

Martin Mason 187 
09/02/2025 at 05:37:43

Not bad but the better team won albeit with a bit of luck with the posts. Fast in midfield with good pressing Everton lost it in the first half having few answers.

Laurie Hartley 188 
09/02/2025 at 07:27:15

Bournemouth are a good outfit. They hammered Newcastle a couple of weeks ago. Beaten fair and square.

Darryl Ritchie 189 
09/02/2025 at 07:33:42

Mistakes and bad luck.
That’s a very bad combination. Nothing good comes from it.

Edward Rogers 190 
09/02/2025 at 16:46:24

My God, they've got ANOTHER TRENT!

Matt Byrne 191 
09/02/2025 at 17:34:59

Glad to be joining and happy to see Liverpool knocked out of the cup as part of my first ever comment on here!

Matt Byrne 192 
09/02/2025 at 17:40:02

Glad to be joining and happy to see Liverpool knocked out of the cup as part of my first ever comment on here!

Victor Jones 193 
09/02/2025 at 17:40:57

Liverpool out of the cup. But we can’t take advantage of that. As we are also out. Beaten by our boogie Woogie team, bloody Bournemouth. Just when the path to Wembley could maybe open up, we balderdash everything up. Can’t blame Moyes for this bunch of players not turning up (first half). And we can’t blame Moyes for our few missed chances.
Aw well, roll on next season, and go again.

Just hope that Moyes is taking a real good look at these players. And I just hope that he is realising the players that just cannot be relied on, to get the job done.
That of course should be a given that managers know their better players. Should be a given that managers know the duds. But it isn’t always a given. Remember Dyche’s reluctance to change things. Let’s hope that Moyes knows exactly when to chop and change. That’s a pet hate with me, managers that take an age to change something that is not working.

Anyhow, good luck to this new Evertonia site. I tend to flit between a few Everton sites. Don’t usually comment, so please excuse this ramble.
Good luck to the mighty Everton, against that wee team we are playing next week. Just turn up.
Then get up a head of steam for when we play Palace on Saturday. Let’s rock and roll.
May the footballing gods be looking down on us next week.
6/1 Everton to beat that wee team on Wednesday. Might have a wee punt. Good night folks. Up the Toffees.

Liam Wilson 194 
09/02/2025 at 18:02:24

Tranquility Base here..the Toffee has landed . we have a bunch of guys about to turn Blue here.

Tom Fazal 195 
09/02/2025 at 18:31:54

Thanks Lyndon for this site. Have seen many names whose contributions I enjoyed reading over the years, look forward to reading many more.

Mike Gaynes 196 
09/02/2025 at 19:24:36

Great one, Liam!

David Cooper 197 
11/02/2025 at 06:17:13

Bournemouth were the ideal opponents NOT to play on Saturday! Given that Beto was going to be the focus of our attack and probably will be for the near future, Moyes is going to have to find creative ways to create scoring opportunities. 

Against a much weaker Leicester last week we were able to play safely out from the back into midfield and then find good forward passes for Beto to run onto and score. Against Bournemouth it was clear from the first minute we were not going to have the same time and space to do that. Bournemouth must be one of the best high pressing teams in the division.

Add to that Bournemouth main pressers are super fast and very well organised by Areola, then playing out from the back was always going to be a disaster. All of our back 4 need 2 or 3 touches to control the ball and play forward passes.

On Saturday Areola might have told his pressers to let Tarks or Branthwaite have the ball and then attack them. Unfortunately other coaches may have seen that and do likewise. As soon as it became obvious that we could not play out from the back into midfield the first half Pickford and others started pinging the ball at Beto where it rarely stuck.

In the second half  with a few changes in personal Beto did manage to bring Alcaraz and Tim I. Into the game and we went onto to unluckily hit the woodwork. In Gana, Garner and Doucs we have 3 capable but one pace players who were found out by Bournemouth's pacey  midfield and full backs.

It will be interesting to see who Moyes picks on Wednesday and if Liverpool press like Bournemouth. Trying to remember how the RS play, I don't think they are a high pressing team and may suit us better than Bournemouth.

Hopefully Myko is back and Moyes is brave enough to give Alcaraz a start in place of Doucs? Moyes like Dyche really likes having Doucs running around in midfield. 

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