Forum Guidelines

posted by Lyndon Lloyd

Things that probably don't need to be said but I'll say them anyway:

By making the Evertonia Forum open for registered users to initiate their own threads, like on other message boards, a certain level of faith and trust is extended. Please keep things civil, as clean as you can manage and avoid anything obviously offensive.

Comments from the main part of the site could be moved here, either to existing threads or as posts in their own right so as to keep discussion on the "magazine-style" articles as on-topic as possible.

A facility to report offensive content will come in due course, as will other improvements over time, but I'm hoping it won't be needed too often or at all. 

Note that the Everything Else Forum has been removed for now as I'm trying to keep things manageable. To be honest, it might not ever return as I would like to keep the site primarily related to Everton in the first instance and ultimately within the world of football. Everything else is just too ripe for disagreement, conflict and flame wars and there's an entire Internet out there for that kind of content and discussion.

11 February, 2025 at 06:02 am


Derek Thomas 1 
11/02/2025 at 07:19:02

Re. The 'Everything Else Thread'- you're probably right. Though on odd occasions, mainly, but not totally restricted to the close season, on TW topics sometimes morphed, evolved, grew legs and meandered round the countryside, usually ending up in a dead end where they - eventually - withered away.

If anybody needs to got 'off piste' and engage in niche discussions (post a picture of the inside of your fridge is popular) GOT has the 'Alehouse Thread'

As for Politics etc. head for GOTs 'Current Affairs Thread' those of us on here who lean to the left of centre can find a selection of, some might say 'fellow travellers'(aka useful idiots?? nah, just kidding, salt of the earth one and all) discussing topics du jour. Those of us who might be more centre rightist (in the local argot Facist Thatcherites) are equally welcome - but have your facts ready and carry a big stick...the natives are convinced that they and they alone are in possession of the one true wisdom and its your place to change - not theirs.

Have at it.

Paul Ferry 2 
11/02/2025 at 07:44:09

Good job Lyndon and it's good to have your guidelines on your Forum facility that I think will become essential. The 'trust' is appreciate but I also think you know that anything beyond the pale will reach your ears. Is there/will there be a report to you function?

Derek Knox 3 
11/02/2025 at 08:15:03

Lyndon, getting used to this site and it does offer something different but also keeping most of the usual suspects in touch. I am getting more used to it now. One thing I would request or remind you of, as I am sure you have been asked before and in conjunction with this article is to have the Edit facility. Sometimes it is inevitable that mistakes (typos) are made but only realised after submission. Thanks in anticipation.

Mike Gaynes 4 
11/02/2025 at 08:27:00

Lyndon, in case you didn't get my email to your old address, congratulations and mazel tov on this old/new venture. May it always be sunny and warm in scenic Evertonia!

I second DK's request for an edit feature if possible. The ability to correct undetected typos after posting is valuable. The ability to edit the dumb things I sometimes say in haste is beyond value.

My very best to you as always.

Antony Abrahams 5 
11/02/2025 at 09:44:01

Brilliant Lyndon. People often read into things in a different way, so I presume this is why we haven’t heard from your partner, yet!

Come on Michael, the drums are rolling, but everyone’s getting sore arm’s, mate!

Ernie Baywood 6 
11/02/2025 at 11:49:20

Sore thumbs maybe. You didn't know how much you miss something until it's gone.

For me it's the "jump to last post" link.

Hugh Jenkins 7 
11/02/2025 at 12:18:47

Earnie (6) - that is still there - but now it is a symbol. a minus sign with a V underneath it.

Ernie Baywood 8 
11/02/2025 at 19:19:34

Yes! Thumb RSI saved.

Thanks Hugh.

Jeff Armstrong 9 
11/02/2025 at 20:38:55

Has Toffeweb gone down this evening?
getting 502 page server error.

Peter Moore 10 
11/02/2025 at 23:44:44

Thoroughly sensible Lyndon. Really like the new Evertonia. Classy indeed.

Paul Ferry 11 
12/02/2025 at 06:13:19

I really believe that after the dust has settled and Evertonia and Toffeeweb express themselves, that Lyndon's gift of this forum - THANKS - will become an indispensable part of our online life.

Jerome Shields 12 
12/02/2025 at 08:18:43

Forum problems.No Sir!

Kim Vivian 13 
12/02/2025 at 09:02:18

Lyndon. Is there any way that the font size can be increased a lottle? I've seen a re-size option somewhere but it didn't seem to work.

Keep up the good work. I look forward to this site evolving as Toffeeweb seems to be struggling with support and content somewhat.

Kim Vivian 14 
12/02/2025 at 09:04:15

That'll be "...a little..." of course in the absence (temporary I'm sure) of an edit button.

Rob Hooton 15 
12/02/2025 at 18:01:58

Thank you Lyndon. Good guidelines and great to see friendly names here.

Barry Williams 16 
12/02/2025 at 18:58:03

I am as guilty as anybody of steering away from football often - going into territories such as music and bands no one on here has heard of, boxing and countries I have lived in - so, yeah gotta remember it is a football site!

Steven Sturm 17 
13/02/2025 at 00:51:36

This all works. Welcome to the lounge. Want something less civil at times? Toffeeweb has the public bar in the live forum. Snug? Make one with your friends on whatsapp or equivalent.

Tony Waring 18 
13/02/2025 at 17:42:00

Has anyone seen and heard the comments by Salah regarding the referee ? He (Salah) should be banned for the rest of the season. A right moaner, anyone would thin k that shower never got a favourable decision.

Christine Foster 19 
15/02/2025 at 08:20:53

I'm probably as guilty as most in diverging off the main thread, but what makes a site enjoyable for me at least is the anecdotes and humour of scousers and Evertonians in particular. Those memories (There are places I remember- 1878) are often in context to Everton but drift off topic as Derek says, it morphs.. that's human nature.
But as you say, it's a football site.. point taken!

Paul Kossoff 20 
16/02/2025 at 13:38:27

Grateful to you Lyndon for carrying on the faith. May this site be as successful as Toffee Web now and in the future, shalom.

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