Reader Responses

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1  Andy McNabb
20/02/2025    03:30:29

Thanks Becky. I'm very envious. That final picture reminded me of those Winter days in the UK when it can hurt to be outside.

Not sure when I will share your matchday experience but next time we are back (and these days it's usually in the Summer, without any footy) it will have to be a compulsory visit.

2  James Flynn
20/02/2025    04:05:10

Great write-up Becky!

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear the "New girl" rocking as 54,000 roar it out.

3  Peter Mills
20/02/2025    10:05:35

You are one of the people whose thoughts I have been awaiting, Beck. It’s a cracking read.

4  Antony Abrahams
20/02/2025    11:05:31

A really nice read from someone who is both long enough in the tooth and also sensible enough to know how cold it’s gonna be down by the riverside in the winter months.

Refusing a knighthood, has just endeared me to John Bramley-Moore, and in times of reflection it must be very intriguing to think about your stepfather being born opposite our new ground Becky?

Goodison has many ghosts, best referenced by Peter Mills, (after last April’s derby victory) so hopefully it’s the same at Bramley-Moore, where loads of Evertonians, who are no longer with us - are waiting 💙

5  Christine Foster
20/02/2025    11:08:52

Excellent review Becky, I felt I was alongside you. Funny but a few years back when BMD was first announced as our new home, I thought about how cold it would be on a Winters night with an icy wind blowing.. that wind cuts through some serious winter protection! Lots of hot tea, Oxo or Bovril needed!
The photos look FAB, I can't wait to see for myself, hard as it is to believe I will never set foot in Goodison again, BMD is a fitting replacement, an icon in the making already, thanks again Becky..

6  Ian Taylor
20/02/2025    12:20:04

Excellent as always Becky

7  Gerry Quinn
20/02/2025    16:57:02

Fab article, Becky, thanks for sharing it with us. I wasn't aware that poor Dan Meis and family lost their home and all their memories and stuff - we owe him a massive thank you for his vision and his comprehension of who and what Everton are

8  John Raftery
20/02/2025    18:13:01

Great review, many thanks Becky. I’m really looking forward to being among the 25,000 at the second test event. Hopefully by then four layers of attire will suffice.

9  Paul Johnson
20/02/2025    18:57:19

Great review Becky, can’t wait to go to the second event at least if I’m not on holiday that is!

10  Sid Fishes
21/02/2025    09:51:21

To echo the old Blackpool postcards - it was ‘bracing’. I’ve been freezing cold at Goodison in the Top Balcony and this matched, so wrap up warm fellow blues - the wind blows straight down the Mersey estuary from Ice Station Zebra without a stop in between.

My own thoughts. The stadium design is fantastic, the potential for 4 walls of noise in big games and non of the ‘famous obstructed’ views. The operation of getting you through the turnstile and to your seat was smooth and the stewards were efficient and friendly with a couple of old faces from Goodison Park. The catering and choice of food and drink was ok but nothing to write songs about. By the way, there’s a video doing the rounds of some gobshite taking food without paying and ‘doing a Toby’ whatever the fuck that is. I hope you’re proud of yourself you complete blurt, you could have cost that kid you robbed his job.

The transportation links are completely inadequate and if is not addressed might lead to delayed kickoffs for the first few full houses. Liverpool City Council, you’ve had 4 years to sort this, it needs you to get your fingers out with urgency.

All in all, magnificent stadium, wonderful seat up in the gods, fantastic stewarding, adequate catering, piss poor experience getting to and from the venue (outside the club’s control) but it needs addressing by the relevant authorities or there will be huge problems with potential disruptions.

Dan Meis - take a bow son

11  John Hall
22/02/2025    09:39:02

What a wonderful read Becky - well done! I feel as if I've already visited the stadium myself. I've actually been outside it and taken pictures last Summer, but going in to a real event is something special. I'm so jealous!
I would just like to comment on the transport problems. Do you think there has been a conspiracy against us by the Liverpool Council (as most of them are probably kopites) that they don't want to help us with transportation and will do anything to stop us having anything better than them! My conspiracy theory anyway, but does anyone agree with me? 4 years and no help seems rather suspicious!

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